Best helmet. Great fit and lightweight. Looks great too, always stylish with POC.
Our new performance helmet is designed to deliver coolness in ways like never before. With precise ventilation ports and internal channels to control air intake and release at both low and high speeds, the helmet provides a supreme cooling effect over the whole head. Ideal for long rides in the mountains or hotter days in the saddle.
Winner of the coveted Design and Innovation Award 2019, the Ventral Air SPIN works to enhance a riders aerodynamic profile and minimize drag. Specific airflow zones enhance ventilation and cooling, while the aerodynamically optimized trailing edge reduces turbulence.
The exceptionally lightweight Ventral Air SPIN has been developed according to our whole helmet approach. It features a fully wrapped unibody shell construction and an EPS liner, delivering an ideal balance between weight and safety. Our patent pending silicone pad technology system SPIN also features. Practical features include a lightweight size adjustment system that guarantees a personalized fit, and an eye garage for easy and secure storage of eyewear when not in use.
Uniquely designed internal airflow channels ensure your head stays cool without impacting aerodynamic performance.
Experience supreme cooling like never before with advanced ventilation technology.
Integrated Eye garage provides secure storage for sunglasses mid-ride.
SPIN Technology
Patent pending SPIN (Shearing Pad Inside) pads
Construction & Liner
High-performance EPS Liner
Fully wrapped unibody shell construction
Eye Garage
Keep your POC Sunglasses securely stored
Extreme cooling and ventilation due to ports and innovative internal airflow design.
Comes in both matte and gloss colors
Aerodynamic Testing
Unique design optimized with CFD testing for aerodynamic performance and minimal air turbulence